Anthropology and the Securities Industry: The Human Broker in Transition
In the Securities Industry it is pretty well a given an investment advisor will make at least one change/move in their career. Considering the fundamentals of building a business in this industry it is also fair to say the hunting and gathering of assets is subject to the same challenges faced by our ancestors of long ago. Let’s take a look at those basic building fundamentals in terms of historical application and how they translate to the rigours of todays’ marketplace.
So, how do the requirements and progression of life march lockstep in line with today’s broker-in-motion and the search for success. Let’s start with:
1) “Food” – The early Sapiens hunting and gathering skills would be the predicator of their ability to move forward. The problem with an eat-what- you-kill policy is it does not plan sufficiently for an enduring food supply. For the hunter today the food source (assets) does not dwell at the same watering hole for long. Moving ahead in the building and survival process means setting a course which allows for the storage and maintenance of food instead of exploiting a source until it is depleted. Careful planning in life’s movements ensures miscalculations can be avoided and the journey to the next Savanna will be successful.
2) “Farming” – Just as there are different species in the ‘other’ animal world so too are there in the bi-pedal kind. The human brokers of today ultimately have to broaden their knowledge and understanding of success if they are to transition from a restrictive hunting life-style to a more stable farming environment which will ensure continuity in survival. To plant only ancient and wealthy grains poses potential risks to successive crops; the forward-looking farmer will always be on the lookout for richer soils in which to plant newer and greater varieties of seeds. As the broker/farmer transitions from one field to another the stability and growth of his crops (assets) will ensure continuity in development. Always be growing – always be closing.
3) “Writing” – Lord knows how this skill developed in that there are less than a handful of original languages in the history of time. The point is, a couple of those originators progressed much further in their development (China, Egypt) than others. As the farmer’s harvest began to grow (clients) the need for understanding the diversifications of plants and the knowledge of how to transmit that understanding would grow rapidly. By now there were several farmers’ fields and that watering hole was becoming very crowded. Communication to, and within, a growing society of varying assets would become a mandatory skill. For the crop to continue to bring a rich harvest would require the builder/farmer to build listening skills so as to adapt to change and to provide maintenance during the harsh times. Planning a move to a new field without scripting the assets can lead to a crop failure of biblical proportions.
4) “Weapons and Ammunition” – With the stabilization of food sources and language skills, large numbers of farmers and hunters began to meld into organized societies. As populations expanded so did a very basic human element – NEED. Within societies there grew individuals whose needs were met and accomplished through the sourcing of additional forms of power beyond knowledge. Just as when 168 Spanish soldiers over-ran 80,000 Incan warriors in 1532 with the introduction of guns and horses, so too did the super-farmers (banks) build their power base through innovative tools which they used to entice their tenant farmers to plow their fields THEIR way. The farmer of today only remains independent of the overseer’s control if they can revert and remain true to their original value system; namely to remain diligent in the growing of healthy crops and maintaining the riches of the soil through strong stewardship and trust.
5) “Germs” – As in ancient times the transition of societies/people resulted in wars of conquest as the need to dominate through acquisition grew. One of the hidden weapons of destruction was infectious diseases such as smallpox and measles which derived from the domesticating of animals. (other than other Sapiens – different story). That direct link between farming, expansion and the spread of destructive germs, provides a lesson for the transitioning farmer/broker of today. To venture into a new and different field you should always be aware of how the crops have been grown. Your understanding of cultivating a growing business may be at odds with the farmer whose land you will be sharing. Your reputation as a grower of fine quality grains must never be tainted by the methods of others.
Journeys always begin with a first and single step. The harvesting of rewards from that journey will likely rely on the work you put in pre-planting the process that will yield the right decision. Farming and building a career in the securities business may sound simple but, it is not easy. If you are considering moving your crop to a new field then call the Curry Henry Group – we have been farming this landscape for over forty years!